The #1 MISTAKE in Online Business.

Apr 14, 2022

Let me start by saying this may be controversial. 🤔

There are many mistakes in business. In fact...there are probably at least a million mistakes. And business owners make mistakes all day, everyday. 

BUT let me tell you, there is one mistake that I consider the 'worst' mistake of all...

Drum roll please...




The WORST mistake you can make in business is:

KNOWING IT ALL. And never aspiring to grow & learn more.

The person who knows it all, or has done it this way for years is the business owner that will plateau or go downhill. The person who refuses to test any other methods or learn any new skills has stopped growing.

It honestly kills me as a designer to have a client that is so stuck in their ways I can feel the restrictiveness in their business, it's like a plant trying to glow in a closet. 😭

The world is growing all around us, the internet is growing at a ridiculously fast pace. There is ALWAYS something new to learn. There is ALWAYS room for growth.

So, let’s commit to always growing & always learning! It can be books, podcasts, you tube videos, investments in coaching or training or even just the old fashion trial & error.

Here's to your growth!


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